Bihar Board Class 6 English Book Solutions Chapter 4. Do Animals Share Ideas ? (क्‍या पशु बात-विचार करते हैं।)

Bihar Board Class 6 English Do Animals Share Ideas ? Text Book Questions and Answers

4. Do Animals Share Ideas ?
(क्‍या पशु बात-विचार करते हैं।)


B.1. Think and Tell:

Q. 1. What do we express?
Ans. We express our ideas and feelings.

Q. 2. What do animals do with their sense of smell?
Ans. Animals search their partners and to frighten their enemies or

Q. 3. Tell any three ways the animals send messages.
Ans. Animals send their messages through their smell, specific sound and body posture.

B.2. Think and Write:
B.2.1. True or False
1. Based on the story write true or false next to each sentence given below :
(a) Animals show their feelings and share information.
(b) No animal can smell their partner from a distance.
(c) Body posture is one of the ways by which animals send messages. (d) The way animals show their feelings and share information is more complex than human language.

Ans. (a) True, (b) False, (c) True, (d) False.

B.2.2. Tick the answers to each of the questions given below:

1. What do animals not use to send message ?
(a) words              (b) sounds
(c) smells             (d) body movements.

2. If an animal raises its hair what do we know?
(a) It’s angry.                    (b) It’s sad.
(c) It’s happy.                  (d) Its’s afraid.

3. What do animals do to show friendship?
(a) They raise their hair
(b) They bare their teeth
(c) They come close to each other.

Ans. 1. (a), 2. (a), 3. (c).  

B.2.3. Answer the following questions:

Q. 1. How do animals use their sense of smell to send messages?
Ans. Some animals leave a scent to frighten their enemies. They also use their sense of smell to find partners from kilometers away.

Q. 2. Why is human language complex compared to the way animals communicate ?
Ans. Human being learn language through different developed sources. Human language is made of words which is absent in animals language. So, human language is complex compared to the way animal communicate.


C.1.Think of words related to ‘communicate’. Now fill in the web chart with those words:

Bihar Board Class 6 English Do Animals Share Ideas ?

Ans. Ideas, news, speech, thought, messages.

C.2. Find the odd one out in each list. Explain why it is out of place. :
1. feeling, idea, thought, table, emotion
2. teeth, mouth, mobile, nose, ear
3. dance, sing, talk, book, laugh
4. smell, hear, friend, see, taste

1. table – material thing others are non-materials.
2. mobile – artificial thing others are parts of body.
3. book – artificial thing others are activities.
4. friend – relation others are activities.


They also use their sense of smell ‘to’ find partners.
The words ‘of’ and ‘to’ are prepositions.
The word ‘preposition’ means that which is placed before.
Prepositions are also known as ‘Position words’. Some commonly used prepositions are given below

Bihar Board Class 6 English Do Animals Share Ideas ?

Example 1. Tick the correct prepositions
1. Rita is going to / for school.
2. I bought this pen of/ for Rs. 10.
3. My mother is not at / in home.
4. The frog jumped in / into the pond.
5. India became independent on / in 15th August, 1947.
6. The school bus will come on / at 7.30 a.m.
7. A fat man was sitting among/between my friend and me in the train.
8. The policeman ran after / before the thief.

Ans. 1. to, 2. for, 3. at, 4. into, 5. on, 6. at, 7. between, 8. after.

Example 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions :
1. Rounak is throwing the ball ……… the playground to his sister.
2. Rounak jumped ……….. the water.
3. Rounak went …… the tunnel.
4. Rounak is sitting ……….. his parents.
5. Rounak has an umbrella ……… his head.
6. Rounats walked ……….. the river to come out of the jungle.

Ans. 1. in, 2. over, 3. into, 4. with, 5. in, 6. through.

E. Think and Write:

E.1. Think what do you do to show that you are angry, happy, sad or afraid? What kind of messages do you send with your hands?
Ans. To show anger, happiness, sadness or fear we change in the ouster f our body. We send different kinds of messages with our hands-anger, love, warning, etc.

E.2. Describe some of important similarities and differences between the ways people talk to each other and the ways in which animals send messages to each other.
Ans. Similarities-People and animals both talk and send messages through different kinds of sounds and body postures.

Differences – People talk and send messages through words and sentences, but animals with different sounds and smells.

Bihar Board Class 6 English Do Animals Share Ideas ?

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